Wednesday 9 January 2013


We hate on politicians, I hate on politicians. In fact, I am not their biggest fun, I would rarely be found doing a political commentary, but I have to watch politics closely. The bible instructs us that " supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way." And besides Plato said, “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” 

“Politics is not like an ocean voyage or a military campaign… something which leaves off as soon as reached. It is not a public chore to be gotten over with. It is a way of life.”- Plutarch

There are approx 7.1 billion people on the planet. The most powerful man on the planet is a politician ( ). In fact, at least five out of the ten most powerful people on earth are politicians. A lot of negative things have been sung in praise of politicians, and to be honest, I enjoy the songs. However, the other day I am having a huge debate in my head on whether there is anything to admire about politicians and here is my verdict;

Politicians posses certain abilities that the common citizen doesn’t. For example,  A politician is   a fellow who will lay down your life for his country (-Texas Guinan) and come next elections, you will still vote for him. Amazing, right? How do they attain that kind of loyalty? “The word politics is derived from the word poly, meaning many, and the word ticks, meaning bloodsucking parasites.”-Larry Hardiman

A political calendar is very different from our normal calendar, in fact as  Harold Wilson  puts it, “A week is a long time in politics.” They make things happen over night.

Politicians have amazing faith. They spend a lot of time and millions of money to fund campaigns with no certainty they will win. Think of Uhuru and Ruto (now Uhuruto) for example. The two Kenyan politicians who are also ICC suspects mounts one of the most expensive campaigns in Kenyan history even before they were cleared by the Kenyan Courts  as to whether they were illegible to run for 2013 presidential elections. They were certain things will work out.  If that’s not faith I don’t know what it is.

Politicians have incredible tenacity, you can say a lot of nasty things about a politician and instead of committing suicide, He rises up the following morning, have his team dig dirt about you, dishes  you with a beautifully crafted nasty reply, and He’s a happy man. It’s a fact, “The only people who say worse things about politicians than reporters do are other politicians.”-Andy Rooney

Politicians are the only one’s who can lie to your face and even though you know with every sense in your body it’s a lie, you still believe in them. Will Rogers says, “If you ever injected the truth into politics, you would have no politics.” Most politicians don’t even believe themselves. They actually get surprised when when you do.

A good politician need not be academically knowledgeable. They do not let lack of education or in-eloquence limit them. We have all seen illiterate and inarticulate people flourish into power. That is incredible determination. 

Politicians have amazing language skills. They  are the only people who can steal from you and make you feel safe enough to vote them back.  A politician only has your best interest at heart if your interests are relatives with his interests or if you are an actual blood relative. 
Forget the negatives, sometimes I think if half the people in the world had the faith, the tenacity, the positive attitude and the hope of a politician, we wouldn't have any poor people.