Tuesday 12 March 2013


It is amazing how we were all united prior to the 4th of March, 2013. We came out in numbers never witnessed in the history of Kenya but soon all the love and peace messages we passed to each other started to disappear when the results started trickling in.  Soon hate and tribal messages started spreading around. For a while I kept asking my self, “What just happened?” The truth of the matter is that we can only have one president at a time.

RAO has a constitutional right to go to court and see that justice is done. At the end of the day, when the fat lady sings, whether it is Uhuru or RAO who is sworn in as the 4th president of Kenya, there are a few things that we need to bear in mind.

Firstly, whoever is sworn in, shall be the president of Kenya and not the president of those who prefer him. If you find yourself believing that, if your preferred candidate doesn’t win then there is no democracy, you have issues. If you find yourself overexcited because whoever won is a member of your tribe, you also have a lot of growing up to do. If you find yourself thinking things like, we are a minority tribe, we also want one of our own as president, you have an inferiority complex. This is not a tribal superiority competition.  

Secondly your success in life has not been deferred until one of your own becomes president. I have seen Luo’s who have achieved incredible success during the Kibaki presidency; I know Meru’s who moved mountains during the Moi presidency. Think about it, has anyone ever asked you for a pass to use the recently constructed Thika Superhighway (constructed under Kibaki presidency) because you are not a Kikuyu? Speaking diverse languages and having different cultures is a beautiful thing. God never meant us to use them against each other.  

Thirdly, I am reminded of a time the Israelites where exiled in Babylon. This was a perfect opportunity to sit and whine how one of their own will not become  King. But listen to what God tells them “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if the city prospers, you too will prosper.” Jer 29:7

This is the same message I wish we would carry today. Regardless of who is sworn in as president, “seek the peace and pray for the prosperity of the city (country), for if the country prospers, you too shall prosper.” I believe that all leadership comes from God and if indeed God has appointed Uhuru to be the president at such time like this, we need to stand united and work towards a prosperous country. And to those of us prophesying doom and issuing threats of how those who voted for Uhuru shall regret after sanctions start being given, please understand this, if Uhuru is sworn in as the 4thpresident of Kenya, any sanctions given would affect you too. We will need to stand behind our president regardless of whether it is UK or RAO who carries the day.

Lastly, unless you are among the senior counsels handling the presidential petition, or you work for the office of the president, let's stop obsessing over these things and go and work, seek peace and pray for the prosperity of the country, for if the country prospers, you too shall prosper. In the words of Barrack Obama, “In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.” 

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  1. Couldn't agree more

  2. You are writing this because your preferred candidate won.TRUTH BE TOLD

    1. Thank you for your comment but TRUTH BE TOLD, My preferred candidate was neither Uhuru nor RAO. In fact I didn't vote for either. If you go through that Article again, you will realize it is not about Uhuru.

  3. Well said Linstrom! We are all Kenyans and we were choosing a leader for our country Kenya. Whoever becomes the president is representing Kenyans. The manifesto That was presented during the campaigns contained ideas that would benefit all Kenyans. It is now our duty to ensure that whoever is chosen delivers as per his promise. If not, we will vote him out come next elections and vote in somebody who will bring development to our Country Kenya.
